You know, speaking of Traps …

Angel Bob: But you’re trapped sir. And about to die.
The Doctor: Yeah. Trapped. And you know what? Speaking of traps, this trap’s got a great big mistake in it.
A great big whopping mistake!
Angel Bob: What mistake sir?
The Doctor: Trust me?
Amy: Yeah.
The Doctor: Trust me?
River: Always.
The Doctor: You lot, trust me?
Octavian: We have faith sir.
The Doctor: I’m about to do something incredibly stupid and dangerous. When I do, jump.
Octacian: Jump … where?
The Doctor: Oh, just jump. High as you can. Leap of faith, come on, Bishop!
Angel Bob: Sorry, can I ask again? You mentioned a mistake we’ve made.
The Doctor: A big big mistake. Really huge.
Didn’t anyone ever tell you? There’s one thing you never put in a trap—if you’re smart, if you value your continued existence, if you have any plans about seeing tomorrow—there’s one thing you never ever put in a trap.
Angel Bob: And what would that be, sir?
The Doctor: Me.

Dr. Who, Season 5, Time of Angels